BLH token
Blue Horizon token
Ticker: BLH
Total supply: 100.000.000
Contract Address: 0xe7d36c00aabfc34f40ea17166229a0b4ae7dc856
Chain: Binance Smart Chain (BEP20)
BSCSCAN: Contract
The total supply is limited and there can never be more BLH tokens minted than the current supply of 100.000.000 tokens. Together with our burn mechanism, makes the BLH token a deflationary asset that becomes more scarce in time.
Token Utility
BLH is the token that powers our Blue Horizon universe
Earn BLH from Farms and/or buy it on our exchange, and explore its use cases:
Use it in liquidity farming on the DEX to earn additional BLH.
Stake some BLH to obtain reduced fees and other benefits on the platform by acquiring a tier on the platform.
Stake BLH to obtain a minimum tier to take part in the fee redistribution system. (Link to fee explanation page)
Governance: As the development progresses we will also add governance power to our tokens to let token holders have a vote in the governance of the platform!
Use it in Yield Farms to earn more BLH
But that's not all -- Our HORIZON is expanding at a rapid pace for BLH! -- So stay tuned
In detail
Check below to discover the nuts and bolts of how BLH works.
Last updated